Children ‘s AI Programming 005
Introduction to Java and Advanced Java
AI005 Java Course Overview: An in-depth course detailing everything related to java, from basic concepts of how a computer functions to advanced concepts that appear on the AP exams. This course blends rigor with fun as students participate in hands-on projects and labs to better understand the language of java and take the step into more advanced coding.
Session 1:
- Introductory Topics
- Data Types
- Looping
- Project Lab 1 - Mini market
Session 2:
- Advanced Boolean and Decision Structure
- Loops and Iterators
- Project Lab 2 - Rock paper scissors game
- Basics of Errors and Exception
- Array and ArrayLists
- Final Project - Mini market revisited
Session 3:
- Binary, hexadecimal, and ASCII
- Math class and arithmetic functions
- Project lab 3 – Create a calculator
- Object-oriented concepts part 1
- Object-oriented concepts part 2
- Project lab 4 - Create your own objects
Session 4
- Threads, Runnables and Concurrency
- Advanced Exceptions and Errors
- Advanced ArrayLists and list
- Lambda Functions and new java additions
- Final project - Create your own objects expanded