Available courses
Fall AI006-3 Data Structures & Algorithms L1 Mon 7:00-9:00pm ET
2021F AI006L1-2 DS & Algorithm Wed 7:00-9:00pm ET
- Teacher: Ashia Agarwal
AI006L1-F1 DS&Algorithm Wed19:00-21:00ET
- Teacher: Adam Mhal
Children ‘s AI Programming 006
COURSE OVERVIEW: An in-depth course about two of the fundamental topics in computer science -- data structures and algorithms. This course is designed for those who have basic knowledge of Java programming and ready to move a step beyond programming language.Data Structures & Algorithms course is divided into two subcourses, each consists of multiple sessions with the difficulty gradually increases. It covers everything you need to know for competitive programming, from basic concepts to practical experience. If you’re able to master all the content in this course, trust me, you’ll be able to stand out in USACO open contests (or even get a job in Silicon Valley). Most importantly, this course develops the skills of modeling and logical thinking, and clears the way towards advanced topics in computer science and artificial intelligence.